See how you benefit along the way from
pre-design through to post-delivery.

Order Placement


Sometimes, there is a good supplier. Sometimes there are great ones. 


We always find the best one for what you need. Quality levels, costs, delivery dates, production capabilities, changeover times, distance to components, potential delays. Possible advantages from filling capacities, or utilizing specialized capabilities, or from proximity to specific ports. 


When you’re ready, we can make the right moves quickly.

Design Development & Production


You don’t need to see what we see.

We’ve already tested and corrected to protect your standards. Before you get your samples. On time. On site.


All according to your approvals, from prototype, through photo and sales samples, and finals for approvals. Your decisions, your schedule. We just make it work.

Graphic Art & Pattern Making


Here in ARP we design creative art works for your hoodies, Tshirts and whatever you require. Pattern making and out of the box designs for implementation on your fabric.


You just ask for it and we will design it for you!

Quality Control & Inspection


Your garment quality is not a final step. It’s our journey every day. ARP’s specifically trained experts are there at the factories watching all the processes – not just the main production unit, but also subcontractors like dyers, print houses, washers, etc.


Then our final inspection follows the strict sampling plan you specify for Acceptable Quality Level. We’re not shocked that there are seldom any surprises.

Logistics & Monitoring


ARP’s systems extend that care and control once your order is under way. Our logistic team focuses on maximizing your forwarders’ efficiency, using experience gained in complex shipping logistics around the world.


Our staff are proficient in dealing with everything from new legislation to old bureaucratic structures. And that includes our constant monitoring and meeting regularly with your crew to keep improving procedures.

Post Shipment Support & Analysis


You expect a post-shipment report, rigorously checked. That’s where our post service starts. From sampling through shipping, we meet with you to analyze your feedback and identify possibilities for improvement. ARP’s experts and merchandisers are both there to get your ideas.


Then they contribute to a commercial analysis after the collection launch, preparing to perfect everything possible to help you sell better – and more – on your next order.

Online Status Checking System


Your order is always well organized. ARP’s tracking system details all the data daily. Our quality control experts and merchandising mavens watch the entire factory and monitor the specific production units throughout your order’s life cycle.


That captures everything (helping us constantly refine our systems) and it gives our team a chance to spot potential concerns and prevent them before they can become problems.


And all these aspects are reviewed by the whole team weekly, because our absolute reliability comes from second-guessing everything first.

Lets’s Do Business!

ARP has made a science of the systems and services you need to give you complete control over your quality and your costs.


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